Friday, July 10, 2009

Captivated by: Miles Redd as Featured in 1stdibs Style Compass

I have often noticed Miles Redd's work featured in magazines, Domino in particular, with fabulous photography by Tim Street-Porter and I have always liked it, but I must admit to being too busy to have checked his website until this weeks Style Compass on 1stdibs ..... I was immediately besotted. I have posted some images as much for my record as anything else.

photography Tim Street-Porter, via 1stibs
"I do look at minimalist interiors with one big 'design stroke' but my style is all about layering using different elements"

the following images are from
photographs by Tim Street-Porter

photography Tim Street-Porter, via 1stibs

I declare my absolute admiration for these images of eclectic layered interiors that are underpinned with design skills that ensure practicality and a really clear, perhaps inherent, understanding of classical phidian proportion, the latter quality being reminiscent of the sense of proportion demonstrated by both David Hicks and Veere Grenney. In the hands of a person who does not have an understanding of proportion, an eclectic collection can so easily deteriorate into chaos, but not here! Here is the work of someone who can play with these principles to the extent that the interiors do not actually appear deliberate. There is an order to the composition that is so often found in the interiors of British palladian houses, an order so strong that it seems to almost transcend decay. I know it well because phidian proportion, together with an obsession with the qualities of natural light, are two of the mainstays that underpin my own work.

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